In the world of franchising, accountability seems to be used as a catch phrase these days for franchisee’s. However, accountability in franchising is a two way street. Both the Franchisee (or in our case Franchise Partners) and the Franchisor need to be accountable to each other.
When a franchisee buys into a brand and opens their franchise there is obligations for both parties, the franchisee must; open their franchise in a timely manner, adhere to the standards an procedures outlined by the franchisor, etc etc., the franchisor must; provide the systems and standards, coach and train the franchisee’s on the those systems and standards etc..
So there is obligations? But what about the accountability? The accountability the franchisor should have to ensure the success of its franchisee’s, taking responsibility for its system. On the flip side, what about the accountability of the franchisee to fulfill its obligation and make an effort in its business and not solely rely on the franchisor to do so.
Far too often the disconnect between the franchisor/franchisee is about full time and attention by the franchisee and the “lack of support” that the franchisee feels they get. How do we connect these two groups again? How do we get franchisee’s to understand that as a franchisor you can provide the systems, the knowledge, the advertising but if the franchisee does not execute on their end when a customer uses their franchise, then there is nothing the franchisor can do?
Both parties have to start with being accountable to the other. Both have to fulfill their obligations to the other and hold each other ‘accountable’ from the very start. Both need to build and nurture the franchise relationship. As a franchisor if you have a franchisee who can’t or won’t do this, then you’ve got the wrong partner. As a franchisee, if you aren’t willing to adhere to the system and give it full time and attention, then you’ve probably chosen the wrong platform to do business. Franchises are great because your buying into a proven business system, many have tried and possibly failed before you to help improve your success rate. The system is in place but it still takes the individual(s) franchisee to execute it.
At Joey’s Franchise Group, we have proven the success of all of our systems and we pride ourselves in our open and honest role in our accountability to help our franchise partners execute their systems. Make sure the franchisor you choose can do the same!